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Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Let's see. Today we woke up even later than yesterday. (We're going to try and reverse that tomorrow, but note the time stamp on this post.) We went to MGM, where something (I can't think of an adjective, Steph suggests "A Watershed Moment in Scaredy-Cat History", but I think that's a little long) happened.

Backstory: I rode Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, a 13-story freefall-style ride, back in 1994 when it first opened. I vowed then never to ride it again, and when asked why, will always repeat, "My stomach is still up there." I'm not a big fan of the big-drop rides. (e.g. I love Splash Mountain, except for the drop.) Every trip since then, Kirsten and Steph (and, in the past, Amanda and Diane and Andrew) have tried to get me to ride it again, and I have steadfastly refused. I am very good at keeping promises to myself. (For example, I vowed at age 3 that I would never cut my hair again, and I've held to that for almost 23 years.)

Well, Steph finally found the key to getting me on the ride: she'd been telling me that they've redesigned the drop sequence since 1994, so that instead of one long drop, there are four or five shorter ones. Of course, people have no trouble lying to me about these things, so I have no reason to believe them. But then she told me that her mother rode it, and that gave me pause. Her mother rode it, and apparently just laughed.

That did it, you see. So I finally took the plunge, so to speak, and, ha ha, guess what?


I was terrified and ever'thing, I mean reallyreally scared, and clung to Stephie's arm the whole time, but, yeah, the shorter drops are a lot better on the stomach. And, hell, it was worth it for the variety of lamps and light fixtures alone. I hit the jackpot in that place.

After MGM we did Magic Kingdom and I rode Thunder again, and did a bit o' Country Bear Jamboree for the sake of old times. Clapped along. I am unabashed.

The refurbished Small World meets my approval. The colours are brighter and prettier, and I like the new clock in the loading area. The only thing I really miss are the photos of Heinously Ugly '70's Children From Around the World that used to adorn the exit. I'll never forget you, Heinously Ugly '70's Children From Around the World.

Oh, also rode the front of the monorail and now they give you co-pilot cards as you exit! Whoo!