Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Friday, January 09, 2004
i'm thrilled that i got to go to the manor this past weekend. i'm sure when there is a will there is a way but it has been very difficult for me to get down there and it was like the stars aligned this weekend specifically for me to visit! and kristen and i should be going down again in a few weeks! i feel like i'm reconnecting and it's like coming home : )

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 03:14

Your medieval name is: Lisolette. Quiet and artsy,
you're different from the crowd. You have a
taste in music or art and are sometimes
depressed and private. You're naturally lovely.

What is your Medieval name?
brought to you by Quizilla

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 03:12