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Thursday, November 04, 2004
Hey, it's not as if I'm not thinking about what's happening in the world at large. I'm all kinds of furious, horrified, frightened and stupefied by the re-election of a man who's possibly been the worst president in the history of my country (although, fuckin' Jackson man, fuckin' Jackson...)

It's just that my perspective is all out of whack. Shit happens and the small stuff looks huge because it's right in your face, right between your eyes. It's shock, but nothing's broken. Ten minutes ago I was walking barefoot across the room to get a nail clipper out of my purse and I slammed my little toe into the piano. I couldn't breathe for half a minute, it hurt so much. But a minute later the pain was gone and nothing was broken. It was just shock. That's all my financial problems are, shock. As for the country, it's a bigger problem, and my tendencies towards escapism come in nicely at that point. I don't let it all stay out, though. I can't help but read the free newspaper in the mornings-- not in depth, but just tastes of what's happening-- and I watch The Daily Show and listen to Air America and hear people talk and sorta know what's going on and I'm scared. 'Cause stuff might end up being broken for a real long time, and it's not just shock.

What am I saying? I'm vacillating between willful ignorance and frightened anger. Nothing's good so I join Roland and his quest for the Dark Tower. I'm afraid because this monster of a book is more than halfway done now, and what will I do then? Go back to Prydain, maybe.

Escape, escape. Today at work we were talking about how The Big Lebowski is possibly the second greatest movie ever. (No one agreed on the first; everyone has their own first.) So it pleased me when I saw that Patton had referenced The Big Lebowski on his blog today.