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Wednesday, September 01, 2004
I love Latin classes that review material I already know. It makes me feel like a GIANT, like when you walk around in a miniature golf course and pretend you're a GIANT!

My new magistra is big on handouts and synopses and Wheelock, which is really lovely. My old magister was a great teacher but he threw us right into real-live-ancient-texts, right from day one, and it was scaaaaaary. New magistra is more into teaching like it was when I was in high school. She also reminds me, bizarrely, of my grandmother. If my grandmother had been slightly younger and blonde and Italian. Something about the face, though. It's nice. I haven't seen my grandma in 15 years.

Anyway. New magistra is also big on forcing people to come up and write on the board, which is scary. I was spared today but I dread that day. I should've made eye contact and gotten it over with today while I was still feeling like a giant. Oh, well.

She won't call me Tavie like Magister Mayer did, I don't think, because I'm not going to push the issue. When she called roll today she got to my name and remarked, "A great first-declension name." When's the last time you got a compliment like that?

Hurricane BITCH might ruin my trip to Disney World this weekend. I'm worried-ah.

Still cops everywhere. Even on Roosevelt Island. I dunno why they sent real cops here. As if our fake security-guard cops won't suffice.

I can't look at a bike cop without giggling. It's impossible for me to see a bike cop and not think of Marc Maron's joke: "You're under arrest. Hop on!"

I spent most of today thinking how much better life would be if John Cameron Mitchell and I were best friends. I think I was mooning over him. That's really very, very sad. Mooning over him.

I'm so gay. I'm such a gay, gay man of a woman.

I was reading an interview with him in The Advocate and he was talking about how being a freak is such a great thing, how the things that make you a freak are a privilege and your gift for the rest of the world and stuff, and then I got depressed because I can't think of a single thing about me that makes me a freak. Even the things that make me feel abnormal are depressingly mainstream: what's more American than being overweight and clinically depressed?