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Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Yesterday would have been my grandma's 98th birthday. I reminded my parents, because I am cursed to remember dates like that. We joked that we should all boil a chicken to death in her honour, and make 3 cups of tea with one tea bag amongst us. Then we realized that we never had her tombstone engraved, and felt bad. I think we should do that already. It's been 8 years. Miss you, Grandma.

On March 17th my other grandma will have been... I don't know how old. She died 14 years ago. I like to celebrate each year by having a delicious meal of corned beef and cabbage, although she wasn't remotely Irish. I just found out that her name was actually Regina. Everyone always called her Eva, so I had no idea. I said, "Where the heck they'd get Eva from then?" and apparently they just pulled it out of nowhere. Well, damn. That's cool. I said, "So it doesn't have, like, a cool story behind it, like 'Goose' or anything." I think that's the first time I ever compared my grandma to Goose.

I'm glad I had grandmas, as it was a very nice experience. I've always regretted not having experienced a grandpa. I think it would've been quite excellent. Also, cousins. Never had any of those. (Except for that jerk who's a cousin of my father's, who doesn't at all count.) Sometimes I like to ask about my dad's father, and hear stories about his old hardware store in Chinatown (the building where Pearl Paints is now) and what life was like in the Bronx in the 40's. I don't like ask about my mom's father very much, because he died when she was just ten, so it's a little too sad. All I know about him, really, is that he liked to catch and fry his own eels, and that he looked a lot like John Goodman.

I wonder if John Goodman would like to be my adopted grandpa. Probably very insulted, as he's way too young.

I have just fixed myself a meal of parmesan-crusted chicken strips and fried jicama, julienne, with lime juice and chili powder. I am quite the cook now, thanks to Dr. Atkins. Also I have a waist.

Tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus-a-um. To touch.
Facio, facere, feci, factus-a-um. To make, to do.
Pervideo, pervidére, pervidi, pervisus-a-um. To realize.