Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Sunday, April 27, 2003
i want to thank you guys who expressed happiness for mike and me. that made me feel wonderful. even mike kept asking "has anyone said anything yet?" whenever i was on the computer. of course, i *knew* it would be anticlimactic for some but what are ya gonna do?

i still feel a bit removed from the whole thing. this is the root symptom of my depression and it has manifested itself now. i have this horrible problem whenever i am in a happy situation that i hold back and either wait for the other shoe to drop or wonder if it could be better. i'm out of practice being a girlfriend. i know it doesn't matter who i am with, it could be joe thornton (who, in case you aren't aware of him, is a big crush of mine) and i would feel the same way i do now. scared and uncertain.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 09:49