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Saturday, January 11, 2003
I got this thing called tailor's tape or hem tape or some'm and now I can hand-sew in a straight line like magic. So I've been piecing together my quilt squares by hand. And Linn showed me how to start it so I don't have to knot the thread. (Well, we're not born knowing these things, you know.) She and Oscar are leaving Sunday and then real life will begin again. (But not for long. Disney World coming up.)

I'm worried because Cheryl, whom we haven't seen in a long time and Christmas wasn't the same without her, called and said Mike has pancreatitis (or whatever the word is). So's he has to give up coffee, cigarettes and starchy/sugary foods. Which I know is very hard because I had to give up starchy foods and that's bad enough, and I'm a caffeine addict and can't imagine having to even cut down much less give it up. The headaches I get when I don't have enough coffee are bad enough. So they couldn't come this weekend. Which is bad. :(

Today I went to the DMV to get my non-driver's I.D. and did all the standing in line and crap, for like two hours, and then they didn't even give me the damn I.D., just an interim I.D., which is just a piece of paper, and they'll mail me the real one in two to three weeks. Which stinks because it means I still don't have a government-issued photo I.D. (did I mention how I lost my passport? Did I mention that? Or was I trying not to mention that on my blog and now I just did?) so how am I supposed to get on an airplane in 10 days and fly to Disney World?

Today Linn and Oscar went to Williamsburg, and then they walked from there to the Brooklyn Bridge and across the Brooklyn Bridge. Which is pretty far, you know. They're very hardy, being Swedish and all. Then we went to Wo Hop (important in Tavie lore because it's where my parents used to go in the 60's when they were, as they say, "courting". How quaint. And whenever my dad has a birthday or holiday of any sort we have to go eat there because it's his favourite restaurant in the world. And their wor-shu duck is quite wonderful.) Then we went to some place, I forget where, so Linn could taste an egg cream. Then we came home and Buffyfest 2003 continued.

Yes. I ad-fucking-mit it. I'm a Buffy addict now. I give up trying to be ashamed of it. I give myself permission to like the show. So sod off.

Spike (the new cat) and Riley (the old cat) are getting along better and better, and if Kitana ever has time to upload the pictures she took of him (but she is a very busy goil, you know, with job interviews and school and things) then you will see what a cute little face he has. He's very snuggly, Spike is, and do you know, when Smatty visited, Spike had a crush on him like you wouldn't believe, wouldn't leave him alone. And really, who could blame him? Matt is quite the charmer.

I'm sleepy, good night.