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Tuesday, October 07, 2003
I slept so late today. But it wasn't very many hours. But it was so late. So backwards. So I hate me.

I haven't done either of the two anthro papers that need to be done by tomorrow. But I'm so tired.

I did the thing with the colors. For the class. With the colors. It didn't make any sense and it came out wrong but I did it. I tried. I tried and what else does he want? I learned so much more about colors by playing with Kool-Aid this weekend then I did with those stupid $54 papers.

But I'm so tired, so tired, and I haven't done either of the anthros, and I'm so tired. So I tried to sleep and then when I closed my eyes I couldn't. I COULDN'T.

And it tastes like I've just drunk milk but I haven't. Why does my mouth feel like I've just drunk milk when I haven't?

And the Martian Lip is back. I think I'm getting sick, maybe. And I want to get sick so I can have a valid excuse to feel bad. I want to get sick. Which is sick. So there, I've won.

And I have friends with real problems, with dads who are sick and family friends who are dying and apartments being lost and jobs not being found. So how's about I shut up, right?

And also I'm so tired. But I couldn't and I can't.

So does that mean I should try to do the anthro papers?

They never end they never do they never ever ever end they don't end and I feel so old I am so old I feel so old to not have DONE anything and I'm so tired but I couldn't and it tastes like milk and the colours don't look the same where they should and do look the same where they shouldn't and what does the fur trade have to do with anthropological theory and why do I have to why do I have to why don't I why don't I why don't I substitute me for him substitute my tea for gin substitute you for my mum I should learn about rock and roll from Jack Black and I shouldn't try to be funny or anything ever and I shouldn't taste milk and I shouldn't be awake and I should've graduated and dated and read those articles and written those papers that never ever ever never ever ever never ever end ever never