Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Sunday, June 22, 2003
okay, maybe not sue me : P

mike and i have broken up our romantic relationship. without trying to villianize him, i broke it off after many errors in his judgment that made me doubt the priority i hold in his life. we are currently trying to work on a just-friends relationship which appears to be easier for me (considering i have slowly been falling out of love for a while) than it is for him. he is holding out hope that someday soon we will reconcile and although i never say never i do not sense the degree of probability that he seems to. but this is new territory for me...i have never remained friends (or anything for that matter) with anyone i have been romantically involved with.

i also had to kick out my other two "roommates". i use the term loosely because roommates usually share chores and the cost of the living arrangement but they were sadly short on both counts. to talk to them, you would have thought they were doing me a favor if they ever did the dishes or paid me any money toward rent. as a final kick in the ass, marty threatened to sue us for the money they gave us over the time they lived here which in total was still woefully short than the total i should have received if they had paid their fair share. i know they don't have a leg to stand on but dealing with people who have that kind of nerve has really drained me.

a few weeks ago my sister barbara had an abnormal EEG and was diagnosed with small seizures she was apparently having in her sleep. she had a work up for pounding headaches and memory loss she suffered a few weeks ago; this was the diagnosis they came up with and they have her on antiseizure/antimigraine medication. right now, she is questioning the validity of their diagnosis after she downloaded a list from webmd regarding the prep involved for an EEG, none of which she was instructed to do (and she specifically asked). apparently some of the medication she was given in the emergency room, some of her usual medication and caffeine and other foods can alter an EEG and now she has to look to another neurologist for a second opinion. she was also fired from one of her jobs because of time lost during this and now she is fighting that also. what she is going through makes my problems seem pretty trivial...but i continue to bitch anyway.

i miss my friends and i am hoping, nay praying, to see two of them very soon. it has been so long and i feel so deprived that i may just fall into their arms when they arrive. as much as i detest "falling apart" in front of my friends, i just may not be able to help it.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 21:28