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Thursday, February 06, 2003
I wish that I could share good fortune with my friends in every situation. Especially this one, where it would've been really, really great to be able to have been able to get people I love-- one in particular whose birthday is the day after tomorrow-- in on fun things. I know it's not a huge deal, and that they understand and everything that sometimes you just get a vibe that asking for an inch more than you're getting would not be a good idea. When that happens it's out of your control and it's no use feeling bad. But I still do.

Anyway. So that's the thought of the night that's keeping me from sleeping. I will be tired at work tomorrow.

My other thought of the night is: we're supposed to make coil pots in ceramics as our project for the week. That's when, you know, you take the clay, you roll them into long tubes (like when you used to make Play-Doh snakes as a kid), make the tubes into rings or coils or whatever, and pile them on top of each other until you have a pot. They have to be ten inches high. I think mine was at about 8 inches when I left. I ran out of clay. I still need to stack on two inches and make a base for it.

I'm just not sure what the clay etiquette is. We haven't been taught how to make the clay yet, so I think she said we're supposed to ask the advanced students to lend us some, or wander in to the mixing room and see if someone's making clay and ask them to teach us. That's all very vague, if you ask me. I'm not comfortable with asking strangers for clay yet.

So I guess I'll come in a couple hours early next Wednesday and see if I can get some clay, somehow.

I'm not good with vagueness. I like to be told exactly where to go, exactly when to be there, exactly who to talk to. I need instructions laid out explicitly for me, or else I am too stupid to make things happen.