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Saturday, January 25, 2003
Plane leaves at 7:45 pm. Cab will be here at 4:30. Does that seem insanely early to anyone else?

Hopefully, we'll have time to catch a movie at Downtown Disney. Kirsten, for some reason, wants to see Treasure Planet. I do not; it's the first full-length animated Disney feature in memory that I've had no interest in seeing. It just looks. So stupid. And with this sentiment I completely put to rest the little girl who once had dreams of becoming a Disney animator. Good night, sweet princess...

As for me, I'm voting for Chicago. A musical, with John C. Reilly and Queen Latifah? What's not to like? (Well, Richard Gere and Renee Zellweger, but other than that, what's not to like?) Although there are a lot of movies out right now that I wouldn't mind seeing. (A rare occurrence, yes?) I could go for Catch Me if You Can, another round of The Two Towers, even About Schmidt looks interesting.

This was an interesting vacation. Trip number 23, and we've finally distilled the experience down to its essence. Stuck to the basics: since it was just our family, we didn't have to do anything for anyone else's benefit, and went straight to the old favourites (Bam! Haunted Mansion! Bam! Spaceship Earth! Bam! Peter Pan! Bam! Muppetvision 3D! Bam! Ellen's Energy Adventure! Bam! Space Mountain! etc), skipping things that we didn't think needed particular doing on this trip. I noticed that this was different because, in the past, there was always a mad, frenzied dash to ride EVERYTHING, "just in case" it would be the last time. Now that trips here have become so commonplace that if I have to skip The Country Bear Jamboree this time, no big deal; I'll be back in August to give Big Al a visit. So we hit the favourites: just half a day at MGM, and the rest of the time at EPCOT and Magic Kingdom. Skipped Animal Kingdom this trip; I'll go next time. There are only two things there I'm interested in: the Dave ride (not a ride) and the Dinosaur ride (or, if you like, the Wally ride.) And although I hate to skip a visit with Flik, I don't want to overvisit; it robs things of their magic if I start to get bored with them.

So, I think the next time I come here, it has to be with people who've never been, or haven't been in a long time. The REAL dream is to come here with a small child, but I don't know anyone with a small child well enough to be able to kidnap that child for a week in Disney World. So, therefore, someone is going to have to have a baby, please. I put myself out of the running until I graduate college and have a career (or something) in motion. Someone else has to have a baby that I can take to Disney World. Get on it.