Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Saturday, July 20, 2002
wow, it's been a long time since i blogged. well, this will just be a short one. i've been in an on and off crappy mood lately and i guess right now the crappy mood is definitely *on*. no real outside factors...just another dissatisfied with myself and such kind of thing. my sister is moving in with her boyfriend (don't even get me started on *that* : P) and she'll soon be taking her computer with her. which leaves me with the webtv again. either that or spend all the money i've been saving to move out on a new computer for myself and spend another so many odd months here with the 'rents which i am not at all eager to do. i just want out of here...NOW.

i know this will sound pretty morbid to most but i got hecubus back in the mail a few days ago. i send him to be individually cremated and i received his urn. it has a place to put in a picture and i put in the one where he is licking sarah's face. it's an adorable picture but i really want to try to find one of him alone, preferably of just his face. his cute little chococat face. i miss him...but, that's a given.

i'm on vacation and i have nothing to do. i guess that's supposed to be the point of a vacation but it feels strange to have no plans. and, i'm not trying to sound pathetic here really, it feels a little lonely. i have the bestest of best friends who live just a little too far away and very few friends who live nearby. so i have no back up when plans fall through. what i need to learn to do is rely on myself (and make some more friends). hopefully this vacation will help me with that.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 01:24