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Thursday, October 24, 2002
The good news that I have is that one of the Big Three Issues that I've been angsty about of late (Death, Divorce and Marriage) is getting better. Actually, two of the three (see here for the happy Marriage update); now the happy Divorce update.

The background, in brief: I've a terribly small family. It consists of my mother, father, sister, aunt and uncle-by-marriage. He's been our only uncle ever since we were four years old. The day I got back from my trip to Sweden this summer, I learned that aunt and uncle were to be divorced. (I hope I'm not sharing too much, here. I think uncle may read this page occasionally. I hope he doesn't mind my blogging these things.) This was a devastating shock, and since then has been a source of ongoing depression. Adding to the depression was the fact that I hadn't seen or heard from my uncle since I got back from my trip, and no one was mentioning him-- he was just suddenly Not Present at family gatherings. I took this to mean that I no longer have an uncle. I have found this situation depressing beyond all belief, as you can imagine. (Why would he want to hang out with us now that he has no reason to? We're very annoying people.)

Well. Uncle is also Computer Geek, and recently I've been trying to get my stupid, retarded, no-good Imation Superdisk drive to work with my iBook, at least ONCE so that I can transfer everything I have on Superdisk to CDs. I have been having a lot of trouble accomplishing this, and have emailed uncle once or twice to ask his advice. There has been no reply, and I finally asked aunt about this the other day. She said email had been down and he'd just gotten it working again. Well, what do I get the other day but a message on my voicemail, and the first thing it says is, "Hi, Tave, this is your Uncle Donny--"

My heart almost stopped from joy.

(We've never called him "Uncle", just "Don", but occasionally he refers to himself as "Uncle Donny" in the Jokey Tone of Voice to everyone's great mirth.)

So, that's the happy Divorce News: I still have an uncle.