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Monday, August 19, 2002
We're taking Rosie in first thing in the morning. She is lying on my parent's bed on my dad's side with her eyes open, breathing too heavily. She keeps rubbing one eye, which is leaking, and didn't eat all day yesterday. She ate a piece of chicken Mom gave her earlier, almost threw it up, but didn't. She responds a little when I pet her and even licked my hand--not like she usually does, she usually slurps at any available skin she can find when petted-- but she is scaring me a lot. I am very very freaked out. I am not going to undress tonight so as soon as my mom wakes up we can take her across the tram to the animal hospital on 66th.

There's nothing here in this house I can eat. We just got huge shipments from grocery.com and freshdirect.com and yet there's nothing here I can eat. What the fuck is that about? I got home and Kirsten and her friends have ordered pizza. So I guess I'll be eating the top of a slice of pizza. Although to be fair Kirsten is trying to help me find something more substantial and seems concerned about my hunger.

Smatthew and I went and saw an exceedingly mediocre concert tonight. We were the youngest people in the theatre. The chanteuse wore the ugliest pants set I have ever seen and almost choked to death near the end of one of the songs. I wonder if that's the last I'll see of Matt before he goes to Yale.

Rosie is my best friend and I love her more than I've ever loved any animal, or ever will. She's the only person who loves me more than anyone else in the whole world. I'm her absotootin' favourite and she is mine. She shares my bed and covers me with kisses and let me use her as a pillow-- before she lost all that weight-- and she loves Dad second best but she loves me most. I love Lily very, very much but she is Kirsten's girl and Rosie is my girl and I don't know what I'm going to do if they can't help her. I really don't.