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Tuesday, July 09, 2002
I couldn't even begin to get it all down adequately, so I'm just going to put down a bunch of summing statements and trust-hope-pray that my memory will supplement it for my personal recollections. Some brief statements and then I will join Linn and Emma and watch that Discovery Channel sex show.

One of the best weeks of my life. Period. Definitely in the top three of all time; certainly the highest point since Tour 2000 (not surpassing, mind you-- but best since then.) Linn's family's summer house is one of the most magical places I've ever been to. Maybe the most magical. It contains all of the things that I crave. I was in all of the poems. I was in the poems. I was awed and wonder-filled almost constantly. The other day I was sitting in Linn's new hammock chair and staring at her mother's garden and I think I was crying. So:

Ate cherries off a tree. Ate cherries off a tree that I was sitting in. Daily. So many cherries, almost got tired of cherries. (First time.) Didn't succeed in getting tired of cherries.

When hungry, went to raspberry bush and ate raspberries off of bush, or went to currant bush and ate currants off of bush.

Caught a fish. CAUGHT A FISH. Ate fish that I caught. (First time.)

Swam in a lake. (F.T.) Sunbathed on a rock.

Lost two more kilos.

Sunsets like paintings at 10 pm. Breathtaking purple and scarlet cloud mountains as backdrop to fish-catching.

Picked mushrooms in the woods. (F.T.) That was my favourite day. Tramped through the woods in big boots, picking Cantrell (?) mushrooms-- golden yellow, squiggly like elephant ears. Very tasty. Led by Linn's mom who, swear to the High Ones, definitely has some sort of faerie chromosomes in her DNA. Definitely an enchanted creature. Danced through the trees like a sprite out of Fantasia.

Sunburned. Sunburned in a cute rosy way that is turning nice and golden. Feel pretty. Feel pretty. Don't forget don't forget don't forget.

Walked around without pants in front of people. Didn't care. Didn't care once. Didn't think about my body in a negative way at any point, despite being surrounded by unusually beautiful people at all times. (Dancers, models, Linns, faeries, etc.)

Met a hedgehog-- pet a hedgehog! (F.T.) Held a toad.

Stood in a field by myself making a daisy chain and singing "So Happy" from Into the Woods. (Where's the cheesecloth?)

Killed a small army of flies with flyswatter. (F.T.)

Meditated on the dock. Twice. Finally felt like I got the hang of the whole meditating thing-- think it was the peaceful rhythm of my surroundings. Blowing reeds + rippling water + gentle rain = Ommmmmmm. (Actually, in-breath-I, out-breath-am worked for me nicely-- more evidence of my God complex? Iiiii aaaaaaaam, Iiiii aaaaaaam...)

Every night, Linn and her sisters and I watched bad movies and laughed at them. The best one was the cheesy British sci-fi thing about the man-eating plants-slash-meteors that turn people blind.

Read Elfquest in Swedish. Drew Linn's sisters as elves, despite the fact of Emma's mind-boggling artistic skill. Didn't care. Didn't feel self-conscious.

Love, love, love.

Why is it over?