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Wednesday, June 19, 2002
I think I pumped something like £10 into that stupid internet kiosk. It killed, what, an hour of my endless day at the airport?

I'm at LINN's APARTMENT (!!!!) right now and nothing on the keyboard is where it should be but it's so beautiful here. It's 11:30 at night but the sun is just going down. That'll take some getting used to... I doubt Kitana of the blackout shades will be able to sleep but who will want to sleep? I've been up for many many hours and I don't feel like sleeping not a single bit no sirree bob.

Linn met me at the gate in and we got on a bus and then we got on a train and then we got off and she lugged my lead-filled suitcase and led me through streets of pretty little houses and trees everywhere, trees all around you like an enchanted forest and please believe that this makes an impression on a city girl, and she stopped to pick some berries from a plant growing out of the sidewalk-- out of the sidewalk and we ate them and they were like tiny strawberries, but different, and then her apartment and her apartment is just exactly what my apartment would be like if I had an apartment, just exactly like it, down to the floor and the colour of the walls and the Christmas lights and the lanterns. It's an ideal vacation, living a fantasy of how it could be to be independent and have one's own place to live in and trees outside...

...and she told me about her (...) and I shrieked and she reached into her bedside drawer and shrieked, "And I have (...)'s!!!" and she pulled a packet of them out of the drawer, waving them around like a flag, because she's mostly playing at being a grown-up, too, only not so much as before. Not so much, in a good way. I'm so proud of her. And I know that å is aw and ä is ai(r) and ö is ur and hiss is elevator, so I'm proud of me, too.

I am a little sleepy now and I think it's time to crawl into the little Swedish bed and dream big Swedish dreams.