Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Saturday, April 27, 2002
before i retire to bed, i must purge myself of new pet peeves about becoming a vegan:

people who...
1. tell me i won't get all the nutrients i need (although i know that a few really care).
2. tell me that plants are living things too.
3. ask me at *every* meal what i am eating and what is it made of and where do i get stuff like that, i.e. make me feel like i'm a circus side show freak.
4. profess how "they could never do that...they love (beef, chicken, cheese...) too much", leaving me to simply shrug.
5. sigh loudly when i tell them 'no thank you, i can't eat that' then blurt "well, what *can* you eat?" or "you're don't eat *anything*!" (as if meat, dairy and eggs constitute "everything").
6. proceed, after any of the above, to have a lengthy and detailed conversation about meat...what they like/don't like, how they cook it, describing the juice/bones/texture, etc. can i go barf now?

this was a simple venting...i do not want my friends to feel guilty (as they sometimes do) about eating anything in front of me. things will remain status quo and happily so.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 00:27