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Sunday, January 27, 2002
Jiggety jog.

Best part of trip: Dancing down Main Street in the Magic Kingdom hand-in-hand with my mom as the park was closing. Street nearly empty; overture from "Summer Magic" playing; Mom and I are shuffling and spinning each other around; Dad is embarrassed (yay!).

Worst part of trip: Any meal taken in a restaurant with my father. Particularly when his bleeding ulcer is mentioned for the benefit of the waiter.

Baffling: My chronic headache and the pain in my hip that grows worse daily.

Itchy: Three mosquito bites.

Addictive: David Sedaris. Although I am in the middle of at least three other books, I had to buy Barrel Fever at Downtown Disney Virgin Megastore as soon as I was done with Me Talk Pretty...

Most absurdly thrilling moment: Late-night reading of David Sedaris's chapter in Me Talk Pretty One Day entitled "21 Down", detailing his cruciverbalism. I squealed. I almost woke the others up. David Sedaris is my soulmate! Another reason to wish I was a gay man.

Best moment with sister: Lunch at Akershus, the Norwegian restaurant in Fake Norway at EPCOT. Mmm, mackeral.

Why I should be extremely wealthy: Need to own a hot tub. Tavie like-a the hottubs.

Why I feel so very, very tired: School starts Monday. School and work. I still can't sleep at night. Fuck.

Best overall purchase: Hedwig book from Virgin Megastore in Downtown Disney.

However: Just reading it made me cry, and in order to prolong the emotional rush, I very deliberately waited until Kirsten fell asleep last night, and then took my Discman out on the balcony; set myself up with "Midnight Radio" and a good view of the moon, and had a cry.

Finally: Like Gina, all I can feel right now is fat. It consumes my thoughts always; I do believe I am becoming one of those people who actively avoids mirrors and doesn't keep them around because of the emotional turmoil whenever one catches a glimpse of oneself. This is something I shall need to find help with.

I should have taken a sleepy pill earlier. This is my last night to stay up late.