Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Sunday, September 02, 2001
i'm here at mint manor, reveling in the goily splendor...i needed this so badly. played scrabble in the sunshine (i was the worst player but it was marvelous fun), met kitana's dad and i am not looking forward to going home.

though i get anxious leaving my kitties behind. i know i left them in good hands but i worry all the time about how they are. simon's heart murmur is gone (hopefully for good) but they are younger then i was told they were which means they were too young to leave their mother when i got them. it's no wonder hecubus tries to "nurse" on my arm sometimes.

i also have to confront the "leader" of the band sometime after i get home. he pulled another childish stunt that alienated me and mike and i'm not sure being in the band is worth dealing with the immaturity. i may have to issue an ultimatum and be prepared to deal with the consequences if it doesn't go my way. and as badly as he says he wants me in the band, i'm not sure he will be able or willing to admit he was wrong and commit to changing. it's very sad for me because i love the band and the music and was really starting to see changes in my personality. i hope i won't be forced to quit.

but until then, i will enjoy a few more precious hours with my goils, soaking up the positive energy and hopefully carrying it home with me to help me through the next week.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 22:30