Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Saturday, December 22, 2001
mike, you are a need to thank me, i didn't really do anything. you are the one who somehow manages to get through situations i don't think i could. you are the strong one.i am feeling much better but as for running myself into the ground, that ain't happening. i got two speeds right now, slow and stop.

i don't know who i'm more jealous of, steve or ade. just wish i could've been there. i guess amy couldn't make it though...that sucks.

of course i want to be there at mint manor with you, taves...i'm not there simply because i can't be, not because i don't want to be. watering riley and sitting on the tree with you is the best way i can think of to spend the weekend.

in case you're reading this matt, i suggest you give him the book. of course, as i touched on when i saw you, you may wish to discount *my* opinion. i never did get my work crush any hanukkah presents but that's only cause i ran out of money. if not, he would have had eight semi-nice but not at all expensive ill-chosen gifts from a well-ignored gentile. at least you picked out something you know he has a good chance of enjoying. i know virtually nothing at all about my would-be benefactor. i recall last year when i actually got hanukkah presents for him (very ill-chosen and very cheap : P), i perused his office when he wasn't there for a hint as to his likes so as to get an idea for a present. his office is *completely* devoid of personality. there is not one personal item of any kind. therefore, i learned nothing. so i would have been shopping blind, even this year...and i still would have done it. so if you feel like a sad sack, then i am the queen of all sacks.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 23:21