Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Sunday, September 23, 2001
following the prompt of gleebs, atlanta steve, etc., i was tempted to take this test at this site (i can't remember the name, duh (g), check *their* blogs)...these are the results based on the questions i answered regarding what i believe...


1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (94%)
3. Sikhism (94%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (92%)
5. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
6. Liberal Quakers (89%)
7. Bahá'í Faith (88%)
8. Jainism (82%)
9. Reform Judaism (80%)
10. Hinduism (75%)
11. Orthodox Judaism (72%)
12. Theravada Buddhism (70%)
13. Islam (65%)
14. New Thought (62%)
15. Taoism (61%)
16. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)
17. Scientology (56%)
18. Orthodox Quaker (55%)
19. Secular Humanism (55%)
20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (46%)
21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (40%)
22. Atheists and Agnostics (36%)
23. Jehovah's Witness (34%)
24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (29%)
25. Seventh Day Adventist (26%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (21%)
27. Roman Catholic (21%)

i find it fascinating that the religion at the top of the list is the one i am currently studying (wicca) and the one at the very bottom is the one i was born and raised in. it is to laugh (a-ha, a-ha)...i must be a psychologist's dream.

i took simon and hecubus to the vet recently and simon still has a heart murmur. the vet told me she was concerned and since i want to have them both neutered she suggested an echocardiogram before general anesthesia. otherwise, she could use an alterative anesthesia. the main thing that concerns me is that he pants after playing for a little while. it doesn't stop him from continuing to play (and play hard) but whenever he stops he opens his mouth and poor baby. i think i'm going to splurge and have the echocardiogram done (even though it costs roughly $200) just to see how much may really be wrong with his heart : (

i'm mad at my roommate right now too. why do i have to ask him to do anything around th apartment? i hate feeling like his mother or a nagging girlfriend (which i am not, his girlfriend i mean). he only does things around the apartment if i either ask him to or if he feels guilty. right now, i am sorrow-saturated and pms-ing, so i can't even really talk to him right now and he knows something is wrong and i can't tell him, otherwise it will come out all wrong, mean and bitchy. i've fallen into the seemingly typical female conundrum: if i have to tell you what's wrong, then the only reason you are changing is cause i told you to. why is it so hard for him to take the initiative and do the dishes, for example. you can't turn around in my apartment without seeing something that needs to be done, and i am not exaggerating, nor am i anal. the trash usually needs to be taken out, the dishes need to be done, the litter box needs to be scooped, the rug needs to be vacuumed, etc. but none of this occurs to him unless i asked him specifically to do it or i make hints, i.e. "wow, i can smell the litter box from here", etc. i'm his roommate, not his mother...i shouldn't have to tell him to do anything. but this too will pass...

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 21:57