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Sunday, August 05, 2001
A mixed evening. I met Gina in the city tonight with hopes of going to see serra. Walking to the subway, I saw a very strange-looking squirrel by the 13 Sisters (or, to the uninformed, i.e., everyone in the world but me, that stand of dessicated pines by the subway). It didn't look like a squirrel at all from far away. It had a tail like a cat. Long, skinny, brown, white-tipped. I thought it was a rat at first. But, no, it was a squirrel. Very funny-looking. Since no one was around, I squatted down, hands on hips, and asked him in my best Jimmy James voice, "What's the story with your tail, son?"
Squirrel-boy scampered right on up to me, thinking I had something in my hands to feed him, or perhaps smelling the peanut-butter and apple I'd had for lunch. This was utterly charming behaviour for a squirrel, and I told him regretfully that I had nothing to give him, showing him my empty palms. Well, I'll be damned if that little guy didn't run right up to my hand and reach out as if to take what wasn't there! It was the cutest thing! Sadly, I told him that I wished I had something for him, and got up to walk away. This is when I noticed a young man standing nearby, watching the scene with a grin on his cute young-man face. "He's following you!" he said. I spun around, and caught squirrel-boy in mid-scamper. He ran away. Friendly little guy. Next time I'll carry some peanuts with me or something. Maybe I'll see him again.

I went on to meet Gina and we had a dandy dinner at some place, I forget the name, on 85th street below Fez. (I recommend the pistachio-crusted chicken.) We went to the place where serra was supposed to be, but it looked empty and intimidating and we got chicken and left before seeking her out. Darnit. I feel guilty. But mostly it was a real nice evening.