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Saturday, August 11, 2001
Glenn Tilbrook with Gina last night.

Oh. My. GOD. Homina....

It was magical. It was at Maxwell's in Hoboken. I'd never been. It was strange to be in Hoboken without Goose. It was a nasty, humid, drizzy, sticky, hot evening. It was cool and dark inside. We sat against the wall with beers and listened to the first two guys. The first one was someone named David Mead who tended to screech a bit into the microphone and make the vein on my forehead pulse. The second one was a dashing fellow by name of David Poe, who goofed around with the fact that "Yellow Submarine" piped in-between the sets, and added a bit of the song "Yellow Submarine" into the ends of whatever he was playing. I was quite taken with his songs and his voice, and Gina and I actually stood up to see him when the crowd got too thick. Yes, we liked that David Poe fellow.

Then Glenn came out and two hours of magic followed. He sang the song he cowrote with Aimee, "Observatory", and some old stuff to which we could sing along, and some other new stuff from his new CD, my favourite of which was "Interviewing Randy Newman", which is a song about him interviewing Randy Newman. An excellent song. He was beautiful and charismatic and joke-y and dreeeeeeeamy and the two hours passed in a flash. He bit way into the time that was supposed to be for the next show, but since the band for the next show seemed to be in the back, dancing and singing along to everything Glenn sang, we don't think they minded.

Afterwards we bought copies of his CD and as we were leaving we saw him standing in the doorway, chatting to folks and signing stuff, so we hung around to get ours signed. That's when Mr. Poe came crashing upstairs with a huge armload of his own CDs. He marched right up to Gina and began flirting with her. He was beyond adorable, and likely high as a kite. He chirped, "Hi guys!" to us and asked if we enjoyed the show. We did. He indicated his armload of CDs, leaned in conspiratorily to Gina and said, "I'm s'posed to be selling these, but I'll give you one if you promise to listen to it eight times!" "I'll listen to it more than that!" agreed Gina. He started to give her a CD, and I suppose the meeting of the Spaz Brigade was too much for fate, for the CDs went crashing to the floor. We all picked them up, and I wanted to take one, but I thought it might be pushing my luck, so I'll just listen to Gina's. {g} He asked our names (I had to repeat mine twice) and then disappeared gaily into the crowd. Now Gina addressed Glenn in her charming and buoyant manner, and as he signed her CD she added, "My friend Tavie is really shy but she just loves you."
"I do," I said.
"Ah, well, there's no need to be shy!" said Glenn, smiling as he signed Gina's CD.
"Will you--?" I held out mine to him in as spazzy a manner as any human ever held out any object.
"Of course!"
He cocked his head towards me.
I nodded.

To Tavie
Thanks and love
Glenn Tilbrook

I looked up and his warm, crinkling eyes were directly in front of mine, inches away.
"Thank you," I whispered.

We fled into the night, giggling like schoolgirls.