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Tuesday, June 12, 2001
Today is a beautiful anniversary.

Actually, it's two. Until 2 years ago, June 12th was merely the anniversary of the birth of one of my favourite comedians and favourite personalities, Mr Scott Thompson. I believe he's 42 today. I love him. He's sunshine.

Then, 2 years ago, my good friends Ade and Djin were in town visiting. We had just gone to see Dave at Conan and had a marvelous, if slightly nerve-wracking time, and the next day were off to see a screening of "The Wrong Guy" at the Screening Room on Varick street. It was part of the Toyota Comedy Festival. When we got there, Jordan was there. (Jordan is a great guy. He used to post to the newsgroup and I've known him through it for years.) We were the three of us standing around the coffee bar before the movie when two women approached us. One of them said, a little timidly, "I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but are you on the kids in the hall newsgroup?"

That's how we met Gina and Cheryl. I can speak for most of us when I say that our lives haven't been the same since. Mine certainly hasn't; I'm posting this from Gina's house right now, after all. That day was the beginning of something truly great. It's more than friendship; we're all different, and, moreover, better for having known each other.

The day was magical. Of course, Dave was there, and that was wonderful in and of itself. It's funny and fitting that the first day Gina and Cheryl met me is also the first time they met Dave. (I stepped back to let them have their moment with him, but not before getting an enthusiastic double-fisted handshake and an enormous blue-eyed grin cast down upon me!) Afterwards we all wandered the Village until we found an Italian restaurant. The six of us sat there for hours, getting to know eachother and telling three-thumbers. (Well, Jordan was a little quiet, but that was understandable.) Later, having said goodbye to Jordan, we went back to Ade's hotel room and met Erica there, and the six of us all crowded up into the tiny, chic little room to watch KITH tapes. Finally, the hour greweth late and we all took Cheryl down to the bus station to send her back to Rhose Island.

It's terribly fitting that Aimee mentions this day in one of my favourite songs from Bachelor No. 2, "Ghost World":

Twelfth of June, a gibbous moon
Was this the longest day?
Iwalk down to the bay
and jump off of the dock and watch the summer waste away.

That song's become especially special for us, of course. I think it's almost as special as "Susan" for me, just because of that lyrical coincidence binding me and my goils. (And Scott, who might as well be a goil, dammit! ;)

And that's it. We haven't looked back since. Adventures abound. Personalities emerge and brighten. Life whirls onward. Happy anniversary to my goils.