Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Sunday, May 20, 2001
people who say i suck, suck.

today we have to have a band meeting and i'm not looking forward to it. melissa (the other singer) and her boyfriend have been smoking marijuana and we have to confront her about it and tell her if she wants to do that then there is no place for her in the band. i hate confrontation.

we were in the studio last week and it was strange how it could be simultaneously fun and boring...i just hope the CD turns out okay. if melissa is out of the band then i have to re-record all her backup vocals she already did and the one song she does lead on. god, i hate the pressure : P.

when i read my friends' blogs, it reminds me how much i miss my friends.

that "band-related crush" isn't developing, thank god. i don't know what the hell i was thinking. must have been some sort of hormone-induced temporary insanity. the last thing i want is some sort of No Doubt situation where we break up and i wind up writing horrible songs directed at him (even if it would bring us success). now if i can just get the work-related crush out of my mind, i'll be all set...

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 10:58