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Saturday, March 17, 2001
Please, I am not whining: I am documenting.
I feel very heavy and tired and slow, as if I am made of cannonballs and sandbags and swimming pools full of gelatin.

I can't remember if I took my Gleemonex today or not. I'm afraid to take it just in case. Better to overdose or underdose?

When I'm lying down I feel restless and quaky. When I'm standing I feel dizzy and sort of sleepy and nauseous.

I fell asleep again last night at 4 am, by imagining all sorts of disgusting, painless but bloody things. I feel very, very heavy, especially around the chin and neck, which is normal for me after I've eaten badly. I fell asleep by imagining things like carving knives carving blubber off like in "Moby Dick", and roasting on a spit until the fat drains off, liquid. I imagine these things in a very emotionless, intellectual and perverse sort of way. The images are very vivid; there's blood and oozing, and skin blistering and burning and cracking. I suppose I'm some sort of roast pig in them. Where is this coming from? In my head, I'm white dough and dark brown shadow-circles for eyes.

While I was asleep I dreamt I was on a subway with my sister and two guys walked through the car; one was dressed as a brown chicken and one was dressed as an egg. I called after them, "Hey, which of you guys came first?" and laughed at my joke. The chicken turned around and pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I woke up with the "My Little Ponies" theme song in my head.

I want to sleep all the time, and the thought of going out is exhausting. I sleep so much I get restless but still can't think of going out. This is bad. I should be at Mint Manor right now. Why is this happening? The weather? Gavin said it's the weather that makes people go insane and declare personal bankruptcy...