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Monday, March 05, 2001
I can't sleep. I want to sleep. I can't sleep. No one's awake. Why can't I sleep? Kirsten's in my bed again. I should get in there with her and try to sleep. Maybe I want to read. Do I want to read? Schoolwork? Not-schoolwork? Where's that Oscar Wilde book? I need to find that before class tomorrow. Class toDAY.

I'm lonely and buggy-eyed. I feel sleepy but not tired. Or tired but not sleepy. Something, something.

What if I'm the only person left in the world?

I always think I'm the only person left in the world when I can't sleep.

Last night on "Malcolm" Dewey had a bad dream and he told Hal and Hal got scared. That was funny. I found out that my mom and Kirsten watch "Malcolm" every week. How surprised I was! I had no idea, because I'm always at Gina's when it's on. (It is customary for me to leave after "Malcolm".) Wow, Mom and Kirsten are cooler than I thought.

I've got that restless leg thing where your leg won't stop shaking. One time Erica had that on the subway and an old lady came up and got up in her face and asked her if she was on drugs or something. I don't remember. The lady was very rude. Anyway, this was RIGHT after we had just met Dave outside of "Regis and Kathie Lee". It was April 1, 1998 (1999?) I think. He was promoting "From the Earth to the Moon". I remember that he held out his hand and shook Erica's, and just as he held out his hand to shake mind I popped 2 ibuprofen in, very obviously, before shaking his hand. I think that was very rude. What a spaz I am. And yet he was incredibly, beyond-the-call-of-duty nice then, if I recall correctly. {vbg} That was a momentous day, actually. What a terribly nice fellow that Dave is. Really way too damned nice.

I guess I'll go look for Oscar Wilde or shove Kirsten over and try to sleep or something. I have a class in a few hours. I wonder if it's snowing.