dave foley
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Sunday, March 04, 2001
Gina took me to her friend Terry's house tonight and I got to use Terry's computer there to read my email and post a thing or two, so I'm still at Mint Manor 'til tomorrow afternoon.

How much of an addict am I? Couldn't wait ONE more day to check my email.

Well, and glad I did, because we decided that we ARE going to Toronto for that Humber benefit thing! Whoopee! Cheryl, too! It will be so much fun. I can't wait to see Kitana again! So I'm excited about that, although I don't have any money and still don't know how I'm going to GET enough for this trip. (Mom? Um, yeah, I want to go to Toronto *again*...)

I thought of another connection between "Never Been Kissed" and me: I saw in the cast, as the names rolled by, that one of the actresses in the movie was named "Octavia L. Spencer". An Octavia in that movie! Come on, it's a sign. (I think it was the big black lady who worked at the newspaper. Octavias are always big black ladies. Except me. :)

I still haven't done my anthro reading or my art homework.

They say there'll be a blizzard tomorrow. It had better come AFTER I get home. Of course it won't snow enough for classes to be canceled officially, it never does, but I wonder how many of my professors will actually show up...

Ahh, we're going to Toronto!!! And just around Linn's birthday, too! It will be a Dave-a-riffic Birthday Extravaganza for her!

I dreamed that I was in Aspen watching the Documentary and Dave and Crissy were in the balcony, and every time I looked up at them they both would make scary faces at me, and I would laugh and shake my fist at them. After, they both came down and Crissy told me laughingly that Dave thought they should try and make me cry. I stuck my tongue out at him then, but in a good-natured way. After that, somehow, JIM (Millan) and I were in the balcony and he was being all snuggly for some reason. That was a pretty nice dream. Goofy Dave and Crissy, snuggly Jim. I could have more dreams like that. {g}

Finally, I called home today and my dad said that (Tennessee) Steph had called... from Staten Island! She's home for spring break already! Why I oughtta--!! That's just like her... she NEVER calls and tells us when she'll BE home, she just calls when she gets there!

Someone's looking for a whoopin'. {g}